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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Two books? Two covers! Artist needed


I'm at the 33% point for 2 books at the same time.

My dear artist is not going to be able to do both at the same time. She's just over worked.

I'm going to be looking to have a second artist to be hired on.

If you know someone who does cover work, or you are the artist, and are interested, please send me an email at

I'd recommend including some example work, prices, and what your expectations are.

Thanks in advance!

Friday, September 1, 2017

September: Super Sales on Super Heroes 2

We're rolling along having a good time. :)

Book is progressing well, I don't have any concerns at this time, though I begin to worry my original timeline may fall a month short.

Putting this more squarely in November.

We'll see though.

Super Sales part 1 is on sale right now, though for $0.99:

Have a good month and happy Labor Day.