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Saturday, April 6, 2019

April 2019- Remnant is live

Hello everyone!

Welcome to April, which means Remnant is out, the newest Randi Darren book.

Go out there, and share it with all those lovely groups. Spread the word of sexy monster girl books with everyone you can :D

It's going live tonight/tomorrow. Here's the normal questions-

-Same universe: Yep!
-KU: Yes
-Audible: Andrea Parsneau/ ETA: Eventually
-Book 2 and 3: Yep, we'll get there in time.


  1. Well, I think this might be my favorite so far. At least until the next book comes out. I really enjoyed the farming game stuff. I can't wait for more and to see how this will connect with the rest of the universe.

    1. Glad to hear it. It was a weird novel to write. be sure to leave a review ;)

  2. Even better than the Wild Wastes books, which physically pains me to say. You've really raised the bar with this book, man

  3. Replies
    1. lol. Sorry. You were kinda rambly. I did send you a note that I deleted 4 of the 5 so you could combine them.

    2. Oh well kool but like i said much appreciate this last book

  4. Just finished Remnant. Phenomenal!
    I also loved the farming game aspect.
    The world! Such an interesting world!!! The people, the culture, how it's revealed to us!
    Sorry for all the yelling; super excited.
    Can't wait for more of this series! Thank you!!

    1. lol. I'm glad. Be sure to leave a review. They matter so much.

    2. 5 stars was done as soon as I finished the book.
      I can't say enough great things about this one.
      Love your other books; read SSoSH seriously like 8 times (and I'm reading it to my wife currently).
      Thank you again, Sir!

  5. I enjoyed the book immensely! I especially enjoyed how you slowly unwrapped the story using "shitty Steve's" initial trade. Characterization was solid. Also, the last two covers are stunning. Did you create them yourself? If not, I recommend the creator to all your author friends.

  6. Your books are never long enough. Keep on writing, I can never get enough

  7. anger managment issues still aint no fun...

  8. I've just gone through Super Sales and Wild Wastes. Great books Sir! I have left 1 review (5 stars) and will leave the other 5 as soon as I have the time to write a few paragraphs worth of review for each of them.
    May I ask a question? Why did the RPG elements sort of die down on Super Sales after the first book. Not complaining (i liked the number crunching but my wife didn't) just realized this was the case. Excellent books, man. You're doing Runner's work.

  9. When is the next wild wastes due? I'm very interested thanks..... a truck driver!

  10. A friend recommended you and I've been devouring your books as soon as they release them. Under both names lol

  11. Loved remnant left a glowing review can't wait for book 2

  12. Damn. This was a gem of a book. I listened to the audiobook. I'm itching for the next book in audiobook form. I smiled so often in this irrational video game influenced book. At first I thought it would be ... too ... something I'm not sure still working on words. I teared up at points too. Laughed out loud. Shitty Steve!

    Seriously fictional sugary sweets. Like a candy bar for my mind. Everyone did and acted how I hoped. The twists and surprises were complete surprises but fit perfectly as the story continued. Even the ending was satisfactory. Thanks for the epilogue too.
