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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Super Sales on Super Heroes 3 - Out Now (November)

The work is done. Super Sales 3 is live on Amazon. You can get it here: Beyond that, we're already working on our next book. Fostering Faust 2, which will then be followed by Dungeon Deposed 2.
This isn't the end of Felix, Vince, or the Overgod.
There's much left of the story to tell. And for all you know, it's already being told. :)


  1. oooh! I am now super pumped!! keep the good work going on!

  2. the book is down on amazon, i cant see it at at all and if i use your link to it says "This title is not currently available for purchase"

  3. by the way, is it possible to buy prints from your covers?

  4. Will there be an audiobook of this anytime soon?

  5. Hoping the audio book is soon, looking forward to it!

  6. Hopefully the audio won’t take as long as it did for two!

  7. This book is shown as not available when I click the link.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I did find it.... finally.
    :) Thanks.
    But anyway the audiobook what's I really looking forward to.
    I hope it won't take too long coming out.

  10. Thanks so much for publishing another - I blew through it way too quickly! One thing you should check - at least the version I got from Amazon had Chapter 17 twice, then went to chapter 18...

  11. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I love this series and I love this book and I love wild wastes and many of your other books. But this series is a trilogy but u set it up soooooo perfectly at the end. I expect there to be a combined series at some point..... but I want 10 of these books. Your book gives me the same feeling as valens legacy. Where I want more and more and you keep it unique and interesting. Like there is always more to the story. Which there is. Can u give the fans something to go off of though? I’m going to die if I don’t know something about how/when you will tie this one up.

    1. Also, the part with Miu and Felix towards the end was a really cool idea. I could read a whole series based around that idea. Girl loves guy and becomes a... no spoilers from me but I do hope you understand.

    2. You are an evil evil man. I reread books 1-3 and you really have the disposition to torture. You really should right a book about a complete villain with how you ended that you evil evil man. I love the series and hope that the next book is good. I do hope that Felix and the girls don’t get portrayed as side characters though.... which is what I’m scared might happen since the next series won’t be centered around this cast of chars.

  12. Just bought the book and I can’t wait to order dungeon deposed 2 when it comes out.

  13. About a third of the way through your sssh3 book. I noticed a reference about sliders and wondered if you got that from a tv series several years back that used to travel to different realities through portals. The tv series was called Sliders. If not then was a true ironic coincidence. Awesome book.

  14. will there be an Audio for this one like the other two?

  15. I really enjoyed the first two books in the series which I picked up through Audible. Is this one also coming to Audible, and if yes is there a time frame for when that is expected?

  16. Like a lot of other commenters here: really looking forward to the audio book. Any body have a time frame when it will come out?
    For me the sooner the better, and not soon enough

  17. Hey... so I am listening to cultivating chaos and it is reminding me ALOT OF THE DUNGEON BORN SERIES PMEASE TELL ME THEY ARE RELATED MAKE THIS NY CHRISTMAS MIRICLE!

  18. SSOSH3 Audiobook- 01/29/19!
    Just finished the 1st and 2nd audiobooks almost back to back and am glad I picked this series up when I did, not having to wait too long for the 3rd audiobook to come out.

    Keep up the good work!
    I'm happy for you to have made it as a full time writer.

  19. I'm shocked. I just took the time to read through many of the reviews on SSOSH 3 and I'm blown away by how few people are excited for the combination of series. Perhaps they aren't fully aware of the potential or are entirely unwilling to wait for answers - to allow the narrative to play out however you've envisioned. Do I want more, more, more? Sure, but that is a good thing.

    I for one am along for the ride, whether it takes another series or 10. I'm also loving the specialization of both Felix and Vince. I hope we get to see them shine some more before the opposition starts flexing again. There is clearly much more to come.

  20. Jay Baruchel - is who I pictured as Felix if this was to be made into a movie or even made into a show like The Boys on Amazon Video. I really enjoyed the world and the story, this was my first litRPG and it got me hooked.
